Sebi on Tuesday sent a notice to 7 entities, including Malvinder and Shivinder Mohan Singh, asking them to pay Rs 48.15 crore within 15 days in a fund diversion case of Religare Finvest.......
The Supreme Court on Wednesday dismissed the plea for interim bail of former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Mohan Singh who along with others is accused of misappropriating Rs 2,397 crore of......
Malvinder is accused of laundering money, punishable under sections 3 and 4 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. The ED on Thursday arrested former Fortis Healthcare promoter Malvinder Singh......
PNB has rich experience in the integration of commercial banks. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is learnt to have told state-owned Punjab National Bank to get ready to take over Lakshmi Vilas Bank......
The court posted the matter for hearing on October 22. Fortis Healthcare promoters Malvinder Singh and his brother Shivinder, arrested for allegedly misappropriating funds of Religare Finvest Ltd......