The toll from rain-related incidents in Tamil Nadu increased to 120 on Friday, as overnight rains lashed many parts of the city, raising fears of more inundation. However, a bright morning brought......
Fifteen people, including four children, were killed in rain-related incidents in Tamil Nadu, where north-east monsoon turned vigorous inundating several low-lying areas and destroying crops. Seven......
With the depression over the Bay of Bengal likely to intensify into a cyclonic storm by Tuesday and cross the coast as a severe cyclonic storm a day after, the Tamil Nadu government......
The monsoon on Friday hit the entire northeast belt even as pre-monsoon showers lashed Maharashtra, the weather department said in New Delhi on Friday. The monsoon, which usually strikes the......
A major earthquake measuring 7.8 on the richter scale rocked the Iran-Pakistan border on Tuesday, tremors of which were experienced in North India, including New Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Punjab......