A day after Rashtriya Lok Dal chief Ajit Singh was detained for trying to enter Uttar Pradesh, his son Jayant Chaudhary managed to give police a slip and bypassed the tight security arrangements at......
After sharing the dais with SP supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav earlier this month, former party leader Amar Singh on Monday had a closed door meeting with the national president again at his residence.......
In a jolt to Rashtriya Lok Dal, its Rajya Sabha member of Parliament Shahid Siddiqui and Anuradha Chowdhury, a former aide of party chief Ajit Singh, on Sunday joined the Samajwadi Party ahead of......
The Telangana Bill has been passed in the Lok Sabha amidst uproar. The bill was passed by a voice vote. Both the Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party supported the bill. The telecast of the......
As many as 20 ministers of the 58 who took oath on Friday will assume the ministerial role for the first time. IMAGE: BJP president Amit Shah is the most notable inclusion in the second Modi......