Rajasthan Congress chief Govind Singh Dotasra on Saturday shared on Twitter a purported video clip of Bharatiya Janata Party's former MLA Gyan Dev Ahuja, who is allegedly seen admitting his......
A state-run university in Tamil Nadu has removed noted writer Arundhati Roy's Walking with the Comrades, book from the syllabus of MA English course following complaints, including......
Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday raked up the 1999 release of Pakistan-based terrorist Masood Azhar to attack the Bharatiya Janata Party and Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the Pulwama......
Home Minister P Chidambaram on Thursday said chargesheets against those connected with the demolition of the disputed structure at Ayodhya on December 6, 1992, would be re-visited and the sources......