Popular Kannada actor Ramesh Aravind’s latest fun film Mangana Kaili Manikya (A jewel in the hands of a monkey) is ready for release. Eminent Kannada theatre person Rajendra Karanth, who has......
Srikanth Srinivasa feels Ganesh and Manjari exude freshness in Munjaane.The Kannada film Munjaane is about a 'difficult' love story. So difficult, in fact, that the heroine does not look at the......
Cheluvina Chilipili is a neatly presented Kannada film that deals withteenagelovers and their confused outlook towards education and love. It is also a message oriented film for both parents and......
Actor/choreographer turned film director, Harsha writes a conventional script forthe Kannada film Birugaali.The film features young Chethan who made a big splash in last year's hit Aa Dinagalu, in......
Vamshi is a different film for director Prakash and actor Puneet Raj Kumar. However, despite Prakash's emotionally-charged narration the story of this Kannada flick lacks credibility. Prakash has......