Technology giant Microsoft on Thursday launched a new application 'Guardian' with safety features, exclusively for Windows Phone users. Guardian enables users to switch on a 'track me' feature in......
Premium menswear apparel brand, Blackberrys, has joined the race to acquire leading Indian denim maker, Spykar Lifestyle. According to sources in the know, discussions with Avigo Partners, a......
Trust for Retailers and Retail Associates of India on December 12, rewarded 12 associates from the retail industry for their 'exemplary customer service'.It was the very first Kewal Kiran Clothing......
The government may be adopting a yo-yo approach to opening foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail, but industry captains at the India Retail Forum saidforeign direct investmentshould be......
The list of corporations publishing biographies has lengthened steadily as companies have realised the effectiveness of story telling as a brand building tool. Kanika Datta investigates the......