Facing fire from the Bharatiya Janata Party for an alleged “flip-flop” on the Ishrat Jahan case, former Home Minister P Chidambaram on Monday hit back saying the affidavit controversy......
Devanik Saha wonders if saffronisation of India is on the rise The capital of any country is generally defined as a place which is the administrative centre of the country and from where......
RBI ex-governor’s book on ‘those turbulent but exciting times’ to be launched on Sept 5 in Chennai. Exactly a year after leaving the Reserve Bank of India as its governor,......
'The RBI risks becoming dangerously weakened, as successive governments and finance ministers have misunderstood its role'. Former Reserve Bank of India (RBI) governor Raghuram Rajan has......
Because of Rajan's policies, the banking system has mustered enough courage to disclose their toxic assets Subramaniam Swamy, Bharatiya Janata Party's newly nominated member to the Rajya Sabha,......
What differentiates Rajan from his predecessors is his proactive steps in anticipating a problem and coming up with out-of-the-box solutions Four months before Raghuram Rajan’s term ends as......
Reserve Bank of India's asset quality review of large lenders shows under-reporting. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Raghuram Rajan’s insistence on a “deep surgery” to help......