The latest updates from the Malayalam film industry. On his birthday, May 21, Mohanlal wrote a blog post, expressing his gratitude to all his fans. On the same day, the superstar also gave......
Which Malayalam film will you watch this week? Big Malayalam movies have been lined up for release on Eid. Since Mohanlal’s Puli Murugan has been delayed further, all the attention is on......
Which movie are YOU eagerly waiting for? It’s perhaps the most eagerly awaited season of the year, and the two-month summer vacation ensures the regular presence of families in theatres. The......
The last two months of 2015 have some big Malayalam movie releases coming up. We take a quick look: Puli Murugan Vysakh's Puli Murugan has Mohanlal in a role that demands a lot of physical......
Get your low down on what's happening in the Malayalam film industry, right here! Popular Malayalam TV anchor Rimi Tomy will play Jayaram’s heroine in Thinkal Muthal Velli Vare.......