A panel of the Delhi government on Thursday rejected the pleas of early release of convicts of three high-profile murder cases, including Manu Sharma sentenced to life imprisonment for killing......
The Supreme Court on Thursday reserved its judgment on the plea of Santosh Kumar Singh challenging the verdict of the Delhi High Court convicting and awarding death sentence to him for rape and......
Justice for Priyadarshini, the umbrella organisation of NGOs fighting for the early hearing of the Central Bureau of Investigation appeal against the acquittal of Santosh Kumar Singh, prime suspect......
Release pleas of model Jessica Lal and law student Priyadarshini Mattoo's killers were rejected by the Delhi Sentence Review Board on Friday, sources said. Manu Sharma, the convict in the murder......
The Delhi high court on Tuesday granted a three-week parole to Santosh Kumar Singh, who is serving life term for the 1996 rape and murder of law student Priyadarshini Mattoo, to appear for LLM......