Director Anurag Kashyap organised a special screening of his film, Dobaaraa, in Mumbai. While its star Taapsee Pannu could not make it, other film folk made sure to attend. Rakul Singh arrives......
The cast of Rashtra Kavach Om -- which released today -- attended the film's screening at the G7 theatres in Bandra, northwest Mumbai. Despite poor reviews, the stars seemed pretty upbeat......
A screening of Anubhav Sinha's Article 15 -- starring Ayushmann Khurrana, Isha Talwar, Sayani Gupta and Kumud Mishra -- was held on Wednesday night. Tahira Kahsyap with husband Ayushmann......
Rashtra Kavach Om is B-O-R-I-N-G, yawns Deepa Gahlot. There was a warning sign right away, when a suburban movie hall decided to cancel a screening of Rashtra Kavach Om because they needed at......
Sonu Nigam turned 50 on July 30, 2023, and hosted a grand birthday bash in Mumbai on Saturday night. Sonu looks dapper in a black suit. Shriya Pilgaonkar. Shriya was accompanied by......