Nikhil Siddharth and Lavanya Tripathi released the teaser of their coming film Arjun Suravaram on Monday. The teaser received 2.3 million digital views in 24 hours. The high point for Lavanya and......
Actor-director-producer Mohan Babu turned 67 on March 19, and a big birthday celebration was organised for him at the Sree Vidyanikethan school in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. The school was......
The latest updates from the Telugu film industry. Allu Arjun is currently working on Boyapati Sreenu's Sarainodu, co-starring Rakul Preet Singh and Catherine Tresa. Anjali will be......
Which film are you looking forward to? Telugu cinema has some interesting movies coming up during the Makar Sankranti weekend. Here's a look at what to expect. Nannakku......
Christmas, this year, seems to be a gala time for Telugu film releases. With a long weekend ahead, quite a few movies are releasing on December 24 and 25. Take a look! Soukhyam Cast: Gopichand,......