Telugu actor-politician Jayasudha invited her friends and colleagues to the wedding reception of her elder son Nihar Kapoor at Banjara Hills in Hyderabad. Nihar tied the knot with Amrit Kaur, a......
With the release of Lal Jose's Malayalam film Classmates a few years ago, there is a craze among Keralites to go on a nostalgic trip and organise various school and college reunions. Perhaps......
Vijay and Mohanlal starrer Jilla is your everyday Madurai-based action thriller set in the backdrop of the special bond shared by a father and his devoted foster son, says reviewer S......
Tamil director K S Ravikumar's daughter Mallika got married to Arjun Krishnan at the Sri Vaaru Venkatachalapathy Palace Marriage Hall in Chennai on May 2. The family had organised the wedding......
K Bhagyaraj, a legend in Tamil cinema, is an actor and director par excellence. His dialogues laced with naughty humour are still remembered by many in Tamil Nadu.Bhagyaraj began his career as an......