Tragedy struck a government secondary school in New Delhi on Thursday when five girls were killed and 27 other students injured, six of them critically, in a stampede. The......
Twenty people were killed on Saturday in rain-related incidents in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan even as rivers continued to be in spate in Bihar. Fifteen deaths were reported in Madhya Pradesh......
One of the most ornamental things about art can be one of its biggest asset too. Audrey Hepburn's iconic style in Breakfast At Tiffany's hasn't lessened the movie's impact in any way. If anything,......
Mohammad Rafi had a powerful range that could accommodate anything from the sublime O duniya ke rakhwale for Bharat Bhushan in Baiju Bawra to the eccentric Badan pe sitare lapete huye for Shammi......
'I was very keen to make another film and I was dying to say action and cut and get back into creating characters and creating worlds.''But I just didn't have a script I was happy with.''I was......
'As we grow older, we fight much less with each other.''The magic mantra is 'Drop it!'''I would recommend it for all relationships.''In anger, we can say many hurtful things that can leave a deep......
The luminous Waheeda Rehman will be honoured with the Dadasaheb Phalke Award this year, the highest national recognition for achievements in Indian cinema. The 85-year-old actor is celebrated for......