The Mumbai police team, probing the mysterious Sheena Bora murder, have a lot to thank Ganesh Dhene, a village official in Pen tehsil of Raigad district, for helping them locate the spot where......
Indrani Mukerjea, wife of former Star India CEO Peter Mukerjea, on Monday faced fresh charges of poisoning and attempting to murder her son Mikhail on the day her daughter Sheena was killed more......
The Sheena Bora murder mystery has seen more twists than a television sitcom. As skeletons continue to tumble out, here are the latest developments in the case. >> Police Patil Ganesh......
Many pictures showed The Skeleton Named Sheena.For the purpose of the photographs, the skeleton had been re-assembled and looked straight at the camera.Vaihayasi Pande Daniel reports from the......
Shivade: "You didn't find any brain inside the brain cavity?"Dr Thakur nodded.The judge shocked: "Huh?!"Vaihayasi Pande Daniel reports from the Sheena Bora murder trial.Illustration: Uttam......