Fiat India plans to launch the CNG variant of its bread and butter model Palio in the country by early next year."We will launch the CNG variant of the Palio by early next year," Fiat India......
Fiat India's Palio is likely to soon start rolling out of Tata Motors' manufacturing facility at Pune as part of an alliance being forged between the two companies. The Palio, along with Fiat......
Fiat India Pvt Ltd launched a new series of its 'B' segment car -- Palio NV series -- in four variants, priced between Rs 353, 000 (ex-showroom, Delhi) for entry-level and Rs 434,000 for the......
Fiat India on Friday said that it would roll out a petrol variant of the Palio next month as part of the efforts to improve its market share in the competitive compact car segment.The company also......
Fiat India on Friday launched diesel versions of its compact car Palio and station wagon Adventure in a bid to achieve a nearly 31 per cent rise in sales at 42,000 cars this year.The diesel Palio......
Double-o-seven is back. Here we see Daniel Craig reprise his role as ladykiller secret agent James Bond in the first film still from the next Bond film. Currently being produced as Bond 22, the new......
Two former England managers and one of the country's most famous black players have rubbished allegations by Sol Campbell that he would have been national team captain for more than 10 years if he......
Faria Alam, the former secretary suing the English Football Association over alleged unfair dismissal, told an employment tribunal on Tuesday she had been sexually harassed by her boss, David......
Manchester United and Arsenal get an early look at each other's title credentials in the Community Shield at Cardiff's Millennium Stadiumon Sunday.It will be the fourth time the arch-rivals have......
England coach Sven-Goran Eriksson was cleared of any wrongdoing by the Football Association on Thursday following the row over his relationship with a secretary working for the ruling body.The......
April 1, 2004 | 18:25 IST Football Name your price Ruud [] Sven still wants club [] Palios nearly quit over Ferdinand [] German World Cup victory:......