The latest updates from the Malayalam film industry. In his latest blog post titled Respect Freedom, respect its price too, superstar Mohanlal asks this question: How can we die when India......
The 62nd National Awards have been announced. Kangana Ranaut has won the Best Actress award for her brilliant performance in Queen. The film, directed by Vikas Bahl, has also won an award for Best......
Aseem Chhabra tell us how he watched 302 films in 365 days on airplanes, on Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, Google, Hulu, DVDs and even on YouTube. As a journalist I often write about films. I see many,......
Aseem Chhabra spots 10 must-see movies at the Berlin Film Festival. George Clooney was pissed. He was the headliner at the opening day press conference at the Berlinale, for his new film Hail......