Upcoming actress Samyukta Hornad has made heads turn in Prakash Raj’s trilingual film Oggarane (in Kannada) that released last Friday. The Bangalore-based 22-year-old actress was lucky to get......
Oggarane, the Kannada version of the recently released trilingual made by actor Prakash Raj, has surpassed expectations in all multiplexes. But, collections of the Tamil and Telugu versions of the......
Here's looking at the best of Kannada cinema so far. Kannada films have seen a revival of fortunes from May this year. The first four months of 2014 were dull, except for the success of Shravani......
Upcoming actress Samyukta Hornad has made heads turn in Prakash Raj’s trilingual film Oggarane (in Kannada) that released last Friday. The Bangalore-based 22-year-old actress was lucky to get......
'Prakash Raj loves good food, good conversation and good music. For him, all this is a celebration of life' says cinematographer Preetha Preetha, niece of noted cinematographer P C Sreeram followed......
Prakash Raj is ready to release his third film as director today, June 6. This actor has also produced the film this time. The film has been made in three languages – Kannada, Tamil and......