Manoj Vaish on Saturday took charge as Managing Director and CEO of the country's leading commodity exchange MCX that is under the regulatory glare following troubles at the promoter group.......
Insurance policy document will become digital and paperless like shares in the coming year and the policyholders would be saved from preserving the physical copies of their insurance policies.From......
At least four entities -- Karvy, CAMS, NSDL and CDSL -- have evinced interest in bidding for the job of verifying genuineness of about 3 crore (30 million) investors in high-profile Sahara case on......
Each scam that comes out in the open shows the regulators to be miles behind, notes Debashis Basu. Even as the government is looking for a new chairman of the stock market regulator,......
The government has allowed banks to foray into pension fund management. According to banking sources, the change has been done under Section 6(o) of the Banking Regulations Act. The development......