Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said the Agnipath scheme is an example of necessary reforms undertaken by the Army and accused the opposition of playing politics over the recruitment process......
'We have to be prepared on the borders to withstand Chinese expansionist designs.' IMAGE: Northern Army Commander Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi reviews the operational situation in the Ladakh......
The Indian Army, engaged in a military stand-off with the Chinese army for more than a year, has developed infrastructure and now the capability to accommodate a large number of troops in the......
Wang Junzheng, Tibet's new Communist party boss, is on a number of sanctions lists by the US, Britain, the EU and Canada, for his tough role in Xinjiang, aimed at China's Uyghur ethnic minority,......
The Indus Commissioners of India and Pakistan will meet in New Delhi on March 23 and 24 to discuss a host of issues, including Islamabad's concerns about the design of Indian hydropower projects on......
Looking into the current situation on the China boarder, IOC has stocked up enough winter-grade fuel for the region. With army movements increasing, the demand for this fuel is expected to increase......