In these days when we worry about global warming, it takes great chutzpah or ignorance, or both, to proceed with a plan to induce major environmental changes, with uncertain consequences.......
The dichotomy between nature and man is an idea of recent vintage, and in particular it is a Western vanity; perhaps it is related to another duality, that between good and evil. Indic and other......
Indian farm scientists have been put on high alert over the danger posed by a Ugandan rust to wheat grown in India and research bodies have been asked to evolve substitutes to susceptible varieties......
Almost 15 years after the advent of e-commerce, it is interesting to take stock of how its market leaders have progressed. All the pioneers are stepping on each other's toes. For instance, Amazon's......
India's most famous baritone is all set to deliver film dialogues in English for the Western cinema-goers in AB Corp's first attempt at "crossing over" and reaching out to the English-speaking,......