Bollywood stars attended fashion designer Shaahid Amir's new collection launch at Fizaa store, in Juhu, a western suburb of Mumbai, on October 29. Ameesha Patel looked refreshing in white. Click......
Vote for your favourite PETA star models! Sensationalism sells. And the quickest way to grab attention is shock. People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is known to pull out all the......
Singer Raghav Sachar and actress Amita Pathak got married in a lavish ceremony at a Mumbai hotel on January 21. Amita, who starred in films like Haal-e-Dil and Bittu Boss, is the daughter of Kumar......
Gauahar Khan weds Zaid Darbar on December 25, and the festivities have been going on for a while. After a traditional chiska ceremony, G&Z followed it up with the mehendi ceremony a day before the......
Actress Gauahar Khan has emerged as the winner of the seventh season of popular reality show Bigg Boss at the grand finale on December 28. She beat housemate Tanisha Mukherjee. Gauahar won a prize......