Uttar Pradesh chief secretary Manoj Kumar Singh has said that 35 crore pilgrims are expected to attend the Maha Kumbh Mela taking place in the vicinity of Sangam - the confluence of rivers Ganga,......
Forty-five specialists will soon be joining key posts of joint secretaries, directors and deputy secretaries in different central ministries as part of the Modi government's ambitious plan to......
An accurate early warning system that correlates rainfall and the potential for landslides. That is the imperative, say experts as rains create havoc in hills across India and the toll mounts in......
Amid a forecast for extreme weather conditions in summer months, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Thursday reviewed the preparedness for heat wave conditions and called for all arms of governments at......
'If people are in the queue, they should have sufficient water to drink. There should be a provision for first aid and health workers to help if people faint or suffer from sunstroke... and there......
Indian drug firms like Marksans Pharma, Aurobindo Pharma, Zydus and Jubilant are recalling products in the US market, as per the latest enforcement report by the US Food and Drug......
The report said the moratorium for three more months will imply that companies need not pay till August 31, 2020, and this means that there is almost minimal possibility of companies being able to......
'During the lockdown if you terminate your employee, then you will face action under the NDMA.''This will be the first time something like this will happen in the history of India.' IMAGE: An......
GSK is continuing with investigations into the potential source of the NDMA, which is a known environmental contaminant and found in water and foods, including meats, dairy products, and......
Pakistani industry on Friday expressed hope that Islamabad would soon grant the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to India as the formalities on the matter have already been completed. "All the......