Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud on Thursday said the Supreme Court has onboarded the National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG), a repository of data on pendency and disposal of cases right from......
The number of undertrials is at a historic high and comes at a time when vacancies in the judiciary -- across the lower courts, high courts, and the Supreme Court -- remain high. Illustration:......
Responding to criticism of the Supreme Court collegium, Chief Justice of India D Y Chandrachud on Friday asserted it was wrong to say it has no factual data to evaluate the candidates being......
As the judiciary tries to tackle rising pendency of cases, latest figures show that cases filed last month across India were more than the number of litigations disposed of. While over 7.28 lakh......
Over two crore cases are pending in the country's lower judiciary, out of which more than 10 per cent have remained unsettled for over 10 years, latest law ministry data says. As per available data......
The three initiatives are - pro-bono legal services, tele law and Nyaya Mitra The Department of Justice (part of the Ministry of Law and Justice) launched three empowerment initiatives on Thursday......