The health sector has been allocated Rs 86200.65 crore in the Union Budget, a hike of 16 percent over Rs 73,931 crore in 2021-22, with the government also announcing a national tele mental health......
The health sector has been allocated Rs 89,155 crore in the Union Budget 2023-24, a hike of around 13 per cent over Rs 79,145 crore allocated in 2022-23, with the government also announcing a......
Kerala has again emerged as the top performer in terms of overall health performance among larger states, while Uttar Pradesh is the worst, according to the fourth Health Index launched by Niti......
India has the capacity to store vaccines that may require a lower temperature in the range of -15 to -20 degrees Celsius and there are over 29,000 cold chain points (CCPs) across the country where......
Kerala has occupied the top slot in terms of health performance among large states followed by Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra, whereas Uttar Pradesh and Bihar remained at the bottom, according to......
The Union health ministry has been allocated Rs 90,658.63 crore in the Interim Budget for 2024-2025, a hike of 12.59 percent over 80,517.62 crore in the Budget (revised estimates) for 2023-2024.......
Giving a boost to healthcare in rural areas, finance minister Pranab Mukherjee on Monday hiked the allocation for the flagship National Rural Health Mission by an additional Rs 2,057 crore (Rs......
Private health insurance in India today is riddled with inefficiency and corruption, notes Subir Roy The draft national health policy, issued by the Union ministry of health and family welfare late......
The Union Budget is likely to announce the first of the Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance government’s social welfare schemes for the health sector - the National Health......
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Monday said the government's Aatmanirbhar packages totalling Rs 27.1 lakh crore to deal with the COVID pandemic, accelerated the pace of structural reforms.......