Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee on Friday unveiled the new Science & Technology policy while inaugurating the 90th Indian Science Congress in Bangalore."Some of the thrust areas for Indian......
The Indian Diaspora has been able to carve a niche in their adopted countries as a result of their talent, perseverance and hardworking nature, asserts Rup Narayan Das. IMAGE: Prime Minister......
The National Security Strategy document should flag all major issues concerning security strategy and provide guidelines to concerned departments to work out suitable action plans. Since the global......
After steering the Rediff mothership for close to 29 years, Ajit Balakrishnan, founder, chairman and CEO, did what few businessmen in this country do -- R-E-T-I-R-E. On August 2, 2024, we were......
India and the US on Friday said they have started talks to put in place a strategic framework for human space flight by year-end as they plan to send an Indian astronaut to the International Space......
As RBI governor, Sanjay Malhotra will have to give the highest priority to the interest of the economy while deciding on the growth-inflation trade off at Mint Street. IMAGE: The Appointments......
India's growth rate is expected to accelerate to 8 per cent in the current financial year and the economy will surpass $3 trillion mark in less than five years, NITI Aayog vice chairman Arvind......
According to the World Bank, economic growth in middle-income countries, including India, is not accelerating. 'In fact, it is slowing down as incomes increase, with the trend becoming more......
Earnings growth, attractive valuations and change in FPI flows from negative to positive over the next 12 months are some of the key triggers for an upside. A poor monsoon, high inflation and......
'Historically, the markets tend to perform well during election years as governments aim to increase spending and call attention to growth.' Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ About 36......