Nasscom on Friday said former telecom secretary R Chandrashekhar will be the President of the IT software services industry body after Som Mittal's tenure ends in January 2014. "We are privileged......
Earlier in the year, Modi government had moved WTO against the US imposing higher fee for applicants seeking two categories of non-immigrant temporary working visas Indian IT industry body......
75 per cent of new Internet users will come from rural areas As rural India adopts Internet in increasing numbers, web users in the country are expected to more than double to 730 million by 2020,......
Industry lobby Nasscom sees a "massive opportunity" for the domestic tech companies in payments banks and small finance banks, but warned the industry that they need to find out innovative......
US is the largest market for the over $140 billion Indian IT services industry With Tata Consultancy Services and Infosys being probed in the US for alleged visa rule violations, industry body......