Delhi Commission for Women chief Barkha Shukla Singh on Saturday dubbed the alleged sexual harassment case filed against a professor of St Stephen's College as "shameful" and called for a probe......
Delhi University's Academic and Executive Councils has approved the courses restructured from the Four-Year Undergraduate Programme to fit the new three-year format. Emergent meetings of the two......
Ignoring UGC's directive to start the admission process for undergraduate courses Thursday morning, Delhi University on threw the ball back in the Commission's court by sending it a proposal......
Delhi University Vice Chancellor Dinesh Singh resigned on Tuesday apparently in protest against the University Grants Commission's direction to dump the controversial four-year undergraduate......
'He is in a wheelchair, his joints are swollen and he is in great pain.' 'This arrest has been timed very well -- the students are undergoing exams and so they cannot stage protests.' A Ganesh......
Mohanlal will be in Kashmir by the end of this month for 20 days to shoot a film titled Keerthi Chakra, a Malayalam and Tamil bilingual. In the film, the superstar plays the role of Major Javed......