Perched in the hills of Darjeeling, the factory was set up in 1874, but has remained shut since 2001.Efforts to reopen the colonial era establishment are now on a war footing, reports Namrata......
'States have done a tremendous job of identifying health facilities for COVID-19 care and equipping them well.' IMAGE: The staff of the Tezpur Medical College and Hospital thank a young doctor for......
'At this point of time, West Bengal is doing better than other states in tackling the crisis. We have a chief minister who herself has hit the streets to do what is to be done, and at the same time......
The states fear they would end up funding both their own scheme as well as the newly-announced National Health Protection Scheme. IMAGE: The National Health Protection Scheme -- subsequently......
Since much of the voting was on religious lines, Mamata's rural focus became irrelevant.Namrata Acharya reports. Ever since coming to power, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been......
'Affordable housing is the next big area, from where future growth will come' 'To grow in this segment, we found value in Gruh' Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ Bandhan Bank’s recent......
'The plan is to secure nod of the Union Cabinet and other relevant regulatory approvals within the next three months,' a senior finance ministry official said, requesting anonymity. Namrata Acharya......
Multiple reasons accounted for the losses, including manpower crunch and lack of clarity on the merger of National, United and Oriental, reports Namrata Acharya. Illustration: Uttam......
Close to 20 regional stock exchanges, including the big exchanges of Delhi, Chennai, and Bengaluru, have voluntarily exited in the face of SEBI's stringent regulations. Namrata Acharya finds out......
If struggling with dealing with queues of people asking for new notes wasn't enough, banks now confront the challenge of storing the old notes in their strong rooms, reports Namrata Acharya.......
Check out the movie releases, and make your pick! Three Kannada films will release in theatres today: Venkatesh's Software Ganda, Sai Krishna's Ka and the big-budget children’s......
Around April 1999, Pakistani infiltrators captured some Indianterritory in Jammu and Kashmir. The Indian Army fought for over fourmonths to reclaim the territory and lost around 450 soldiers in the......