India asked Pakistan on Friday to take strong action against Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar, after reports emerged that he delivered a speech recently at a public gathering in the Pakistani......
Muslim groups and leaders from across the world, including those from the United States, have strongly condemned the barbarism unleashed by the Islamic State, also known as Islamic State of Iraq......
A decision to map Muslims -- citing security reasons -- in Los Angeles had to be called off after protests from the community, the Los Angeles Times has reported. The decision also drew flak from......
A meeting of the joint committee of Parliament on the Waqf (Amendment) Bill on Friday witnessed fireworks with members vociferously opposing certain provisions of the draft legislation, leading to......
Indian-Americans and the Muslim community in the US joined their shocked countrymen in condemning the Boston bomb blasts that killed three persons and injured over 130. "We hope that the......
In FY24, the net income generated from Waqf properties fell to about Rs 1.26 crore from Rs 150 crore in FY20. Kindly note the image has been published only for representational purposes........