The Mumbai Police on Friday detained one person in connection with an attack on Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan at his Bandra residence. The suspect has been brought to the Bandra police station for......
The Enforcement Directorate on Friday raided the premises of businessman Raj Kundra, the husband of actor Shilpa Shetty, and some others as part of a money laundering case linked to alleged......
The Navi Mumbai police have arrested a 70-year-old man absconding since the last 33 years after allegedly killing his wife, an official said on Tuesday. Image used only for representation.......
The Mumbai police on Thursday said the ferry 'Neel Kamal' that capsized after being hit by a Navy craft off the Gateway of India had a capacity of 90 passengers but had over 100 persons on board.......
Police arrested three persons, including two absconding accused involved in the December 9 murder of Beed sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh from Pune and Kalyan, officials said on Saturday. IMAGE:......
IMAGE: A deepfake video, carrying a digitally manipulated clip and voice of Sachin Tendulkar, was shared on Facebook in which it was falsely shown that the former ace batsman was promoting a......