The Maharashtra cabinet on Thursday decided to request the Union government to increase the income limit to qualify for 'non-creamy layer' to Rs 15 lakh per year from the current Rs 8 lakh. IMAGE:......
From a Shiv Sena rebel in 2022, veteran politician Eknath Sambhaji Shinde went on to acquire the image of a doer and man of actions as chief minister in a short span of two-and-a-half years when he......
Maharashtra public works department minister Dada Bhuse on Thursday said cracks that had developed on the Nagpur-Mumbai Samruddhi Expressway near Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar have been repaired.......
A "big spark" in the electricity pole providing power to the girder launcher preceded its collapse during the construction of a viaduct for the Samruddhi Expressway in Maharashtra's Thane district......
At least 20 persons including ten labourers were crushed to death and three others injured as a girder launcher collapsed during the construction of a viaduct for the Samruddhi Expressway in......
State's move is seen as a pilot for a national rollout of online land title records. Maharashtra plans to start the system in Mumbai. The Maharashtra government is working on a system of......
‘Some districts have said that areas which are away from the urban centres and where there have been minimal to zero Covid-19 cases may be exempted from the lockdown and construction activity......