Coca-Cola Company on Thursday replaced its corporate website with Coca-Cola Journey, which is a digital magazine that focuses on social causes and company news."Today, Coca-Cola is taking its......
The chief executive officers of Indian IT giants Wipro and HCL Tech are among this year's recipient of leadership awards given by the UN's body on women for their work on principles of women's......
As part of its succession strategy for Coca-Cola India President Atul Singh, whose term ends in August 2014, the company is appointing Venkatesh Kini senior vice-president for India, a new......
Buoyed by the multi-billion investments announced by global firms such as IKEA and Coca Cola in India, Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma on Wednesday hit back at critics saying the......
Coca-Cola Chairman and CEO Muhtar Kent on Tuesday announced that the world's largest beverage company and its partners would invest $5 billion (about Rs 28,000 crore) in India over eight years to......