Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched the MUDRA Yojana that will offer loans to 'fund the unfunded' self-employed as well as small businesses, up to Rs 10 lakh at low rate......
Public sector banks have lost nearly Rs 2.85 lakh crore on account of loan dues of 13 corporates even as the banks are used to bail out ailing financial institutions such as Yes Bank and IL&FS,......
Long-term investors should consider moving into smaller stocks.Rather than try to pick stocks, it makes sense to build a diversified portfolio by exposure across midcap and small caps funds,......
The RBI panel has also recommended a government-sponsored ‘fund of funds’ of Rs 10,000 crore to support the venture capital and private equity firms investing in the MSME sector. A......
It was widely expected that this time around, the government would be less likely to initiate fresh reforms and rather loosen its belt a little to give various segments of the economy, especially......