The Delhi high court on Tuesday said BJP leader Subramanian Swamy's plea, seeking directions to the ministry of home affairs (MHA) to decide his representation seeking cancellation of Congress......
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's disqualification as a Lok Sabha member was against the basic tenets of the Constitution and was a 'condemnable' move that highlighted the curtailment of democratic......
Bill Clinton's address had lessons for both Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi, says T N Ninan The media, if not the country, has been saturated with coverage of the speeches by Rahul Gandhi and......
Dikshit cites lack of party support for delhi debacle; Pawar prescribes introspection; No party ready to form govt in DelhiThe Congress on Monday bagged two-thirds of the seats in the 40-member......
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said his party was fighting the 'Bharatiya Janata Party, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Indian state itself', triggering a row with the BJP......
In an interaction with former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi on the impact of lockdown on India’s economy, Rajiv Bajaj, MD, Bajaj Auto, said India tried to implement a hard lockdown which was......
'I think some of us, like Mukesh Ambani, myself and those of us who head industrial units, ought to really focus on what we can really do to make the world a safer place, maybe 50 or 100 years from......
2024 in Hindi cinema wasn't as much about superstardom or showboating as actors shining in astutely written roles or rising from the sidelines to leave a lasting impact. Good, bad, evil, we saw a......