Narendra Modi along with his team of 65 ministers will attend President Pranab Mukherjee’s 79th birthday bash at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on December 11. After a cake cutting and a toast by......
It is now to be hoped that Mr Modi’s government quickly addresses the resources problem using innovative funding avenues and systems. President Pranab Mukherjee on Monday addressed a joint......
Narendra Modi-led government included neither a 100-day agenda nor its five-year programme of action in the speech it had approved for the president to read out at the joint session of Parliament,......
Love In Bombay is a piece of history, a fragment of a time that was. Letting us gaze at it is a great idea. Expecting it to compete with films shot six months ago, on the other hand, is dead......
David Dhawan's Chashme Baddoor is an unnecessary remake, writes Sukanya Verma.What’s the point of a remake?Either a) a filmmaker wants to recreate the success of the original or b) wants to......