Sebi to fix promoters’ side deals with PE investors The Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (Sebi) decision to come out with regulations on corporate governance issues in......
Tata Tea, which owns a 31.73 per cent stake in Mount Everest, has launched a premium water brand Himalayan in the country which commands about half of the natural mineral water segment. Now, the......
Ending months of speculation, Tata Tea today announced the intent to acquire management control of Mount Everest Mineral Water (MEMW) Company, owners of the Himalayan brand of bottled water. The......
Bisleri packaged water sales have slumped 10-15 per cent over the past one week after the Centre for Science and Environment released a report saying the pesticide content in leading packaged water......
Retail sales of packaged water fell today, a day after the Centre for Science and Environment reported that leading packaged water brands contained pesticides beyond permissible limits.Though......