The Delhi Police on Friday filed a charge sheet in a court against suspected top Indian Mujahideen operatives Tehsin Akhtar, Zia-Ur-Rahman and three others for allegedly setting up an illegal arms......
Indian Mujahideen was planning to send letters "soaked with poison" to their targets to kill them, the Delhi Police has told a court here in its charge sheet filed against six suspected men of the......
A tug of war was witnessed in a Delhi court between the National Investigation Agency and the Special Cell of Delhi Police for seeking the custody of top Indian Mujahideen operatives Tehseen Akhtar......
Ruling Samajwadi Party is facing a tough battle as it tries to retain the seven assembly seats it had won last time out of nine in Uttar Pradesh capital, while the Bharatiya Janata Party and the......
The catchy one liner ‘UP ko ye saath pasand hai’ dotting the Uttar Pradesh skyline does not seem to be reflected on the ground as fledgling alliance partners -- the Samajwadi Party and......