The Mumbai police on Thursday filed a chargesheet against four accused in last month's gang rape of a 23-year-old photojournalist. A chargesheet was filed separately against the juvenile accomplice......
Four of the five accused in the August 22 gang-rape case were identified by the photojournalist and her male colleague during an identification parade held in a south Mumbai jail on Friday, police......
Another case of sexual assault by the five accused in the Mumbai photojournalist gang rape case has come to light with a woman alleging that she was raped by some of the culprits in the gang at the......
Mumbai Police, which is probing the gang rape of a 23-year-old photojournalist, on said it has recovered two more mobile phones carried by the accused during the ghastly crime. "Two more mobile......
The five accused arrested in connection with the gang rape of 23-year-old photojournalist were on Wednesday taken to Shakti Mills compound in Mumbai to reconstruct the sequence of events that led......