The National Investigation Agency on Tuesday arrested two key members of the Hyderabad Islamic State module which they had unearthed last month. “Yasir Niamatullah, chief of Hyderabad......
A local court on Friday remanded five persons, arrested by National Investigation Agency on charges of their involvement in a terror module suspected to be linked to Islamic State and conspiring to......
A local court on Thursday remanded five persons, arrested by the National Investigation Agency in Hyderabad on Wednesday on charges of their involvement in a terror module suspected to be linked to......
The Hyderabad city police has arrested an Inter Services Intelligence-trained Lashkar-e-Toiba operative and seized some incriminating material from him. In a statement, the police identified the......
Taking forward its probe into the activities of Islamic State following the arrest of its five alleged operatives in Hyderabad, the National Investigation Agency on Tuesday searched various......