India on Thursday said it is in touch with all concerned following reports that an Indian national has been kidnapped from Afghanistan's capital Kabul. According to reports, Bansri Lal Arendeh was......
Amid India's concerns that Afghanistan’s territory might be used for anti-India activities under the Taliban regime, the terror group has said that it has the right to raise its voice for......
A day after India officially talked to the Taliban, former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah on Wednesday asked the Union government to clarify whether or not it considered the outfit......
The Taliban wants to maintain Afghanistan's trade, economic and political relations with India, senior leader of the outfit Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai has said while describing it as an......
India on Thursday resumed its diplomatic presence in Kabul by deploying a team in its embassy in the Afghan capital, over 10 months after it pulled out its officials from the mission following the......