Chinese handset maker Xiaomi has launched the much-awaited 4G device Mi4 in India. Priced at Rs 19,999, the first sale will be on 10 February. The company, which entered the......
Chinese handset maker Xiaomi is expected to launch its latest 4G device Mi4 in the country later this month as it looks to strengthen its position in the booming Indian smartphone......
The iPhone 7 and the 7 Plus are the annual releases expected in September. Image: iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus hit the markets in 2015. Photograph, courtesy: Apple Inc The past few......
At Rs 24,999, the Xiaomi Mi 5 has a lot going as a flagship. Image: This has possibly among the best video cameras I've seen on a phone. Photographs, courtesy: Xiaomi When I first......
The biggest attractions of the phone are the Sunlight Display and the virtual IVR, notes Vipul Vivek. Where else after China but India? Xiaomi hasn't yet started making in India but......