Deepa Jayakumar, niece of late Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, on Thursday filed her nominations for the RK Nagar assembly constituency for the April 12 bypoll as MGR Amma Deepa Peravai candidate,......
Deepa Jayakumar, the niece of J Jayalalithaa, on Sunday alleged that she is being harassed to prevent her from contesting bypoll in R K Nagar assembly seat to be held on April 12. Apparently......
Deepa said she had sought an appointment with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to apprise him of the situation. In a drama involving the relatives of late Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa, her......
The late Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa’s niece Deepa on Friday kick-started her political career by launching the ‘MGR Amma Deepa Forum’, on the late chief......
There is no denying that the Deepa identity has overnight caught the people’s imagination across the state. But converting that into an imagery and from there as support and vote-base is a......