The Sensex touched its all time-high on Monday. Mehraboon Irani of Darashaw and Company attributes it to the performance of the Indian corporates. He says there is no reason to feel negative about......
The macroeconomic headwinds still persist, but equity strategists believe 2013 will see select sectors and companies recover ahead of the broader economy. The reasons are varied - ranging from......
Though eased, the inflation level remains adamantly high. Even though, the Reserve Bank of India left interest rates untouched in its mid-term policy review on Friday, it said that inflation was......
It's no longer enough to look at the fundamentals of a stock alone before investing; there is a link between the trading volumes of a stock and returns.The biggest losers on the National Stock......
Over 450 stocks have raced to touch their 52-week highs on the Bombay Stock Exchange in the last one week even as the bellwether Sensex struggles to get closer to its life-time high of 15, 868.85,......