Jignesh Shah, the promoter of Financial Technologies India Ltd, on Wednesday resigned from the board of MCX Stock Exchange, amid continuing Rs 5,600 crore (Rs 56 billion) payment crisis at group......
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) will soon quiz Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Chairman U K Sinha as well as former head of the regulatory body M Damodaran in connection......
Financial Technologies on Thursday said it is examining Sebi's ruling that it is not ‘fit and proper’ to own stakes in any stock exchange. "We wish to inform you that our legal team is......
In a major setback to crisis-hit Jignesh Shah-led Financial Technologies group, Sebi ruled it is not "fit and proper" to own stakes in any stock exchange and directed it to divest existing holdings......
Asserting that ‘timely action’ would be taken against companies violating rules, Sebi Chairman U K Sinha said on Thursday the regulator is very alert to ensure protection of investors'......