A Mumbai court on Tuesday rejected the bail application of MCX promoter Jignesh Shah arrested in connection with the Rs 5600 crore (Rs 56 billion) NSEL scam. ......
Two days after Mumbai Police attached his properties, Jignesh Shah, director of the beleaguered National Spot Exchange Ltd, on Thursday told investigators that he was making "relentless"......
A sessions court today remanded MCX promoter Jignesh Shah and former managing director and chief executive of the commodity exchange Shreekant Javalgekar in judicial custody till May 31 in......
Manoj Vaish on Saturday took charge as Managing Director and CEO of the country's leading commodity exchange MCX that is under the regulatory glare following troubles at the promoter group.......
Manoj Vaish, who was appointed managing director and chief executive officer (MD & CEO) of Multi Commodity Exchange on Thursday, may not find the going entirely smooth at the country’s......