Maruti Suzuki India on Friday said it is recalling 7,213 units of its Baleno RS model due to a suspected defect in vacuum pump, which assists brake function. The recall will impact vehicles......
The country's largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) witnessed a 3 per cent drop in production last month. In a regulatory filing, the auto major reported total production of 145,560 units in......
With the Versa laid to rest, Maruti Suzuki is ready with another van option called the Eeco that can seat five to seven people. Set to be unveiled at the Auto Expo in New Delhi, it is likely to be......
Country's largest car-maker Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) on Saturday reported 10.3 per cent decline in total sales in January at 1,02,416 units as against 1,14,205 units in the same month last......
Despite pressure on margins, the company wants to maintain its pricing edge by absorbing the rise in input costsMaruti Suzuki India Ltd is not contemplating any price raise, despite a 20-30 per......