Kannada actress Maria Susairaj, who walked out of jail on Saturday after serving more than three years behind bars in Neeraj Grover murder case, claimed she is innocent and the conviction is a......
Sanchari Bhattacharya speaks to Meenal Baghel, Mumbai Mirror editor and author of Death In Mumbai, about her account of the Neeraj Grover murder case and why she chose it to be the......
On Wednesday, Mumbai sessions courtjudge MW Chandwani pronounced his verdict that met with disbelief among the digiterati: "On the basis of the confession coupled with the circumstantial evidence......
A Mumbai sessions court on Friday sentenced a 10 year jail term for former naval officer Emile Jerome Mathew in the May 2008 murder case of television executive Neeraj Grover. \\nSessions Judge MW......
Senior journalist and Mumbai Mirror Editor Meenal Baghel's debut novel Death in Mumbai chronicles the chain of events that led to the brutal killing of young TV channel executive Neeraj Grover and......
From the badly-acted to terribly-adapted to disappointing and degrading, bad movies are amusing to reflect on. A writer always has more to say about such films than the good ones. What's......
Vote for your favourite movie at the end! Everyone likes to watch a good whodunit on screen. But the element of curiosity and chill is doubled when it’s inspired from real-life......
From the sublime to the ridiculous, Ram Gopal Varma’s films have been at the extreme ends of the Bollywood spectrum. Ranjeeta Ganesan decodes the original poster boy of “new......