Electric vehicle (EV) sales in India fell 12 per cent in November 2024 to 191,554 units, down from 219,021 units recorded in October, as the festival-driven surge subsided. Photograph: Vincent......
The government on Monday proposed to set up a National Mission for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles to encourage manufacturing and selling of alternative fuel-based vehicles.The Budget for 2011-12 also......
The national budget 2019-20 had an outlay of Rs 10,000 crore for Phase-II of the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles scheme to boost electric mobility and increase the......
'Now that all the early adopters have the electric car, governments are backing down in some countries because they do not have the money to subsidise so much.' Kindly note the image has only been......
India’s electric vehicle (EV) industry hit a new milestone in 2024, with sales surging 26.5 per cent year-on-year to 1.94 million units as of December 29, according to Vahan data from the......