The Delhi High Court on Friday granted more time to the witnesses, who turned hostile in the Jessica Lal murder case and facing perjury charge, to file additional documents. "Anybody who wishes to......
After some tough words and the issuance of non-bailable warrants, hostile witnesses in the Jessica Lal murder case on Thursday appeared before the Delhi high court that directed them to file their......
Bollywoood actor Shayan Munshi, an eyewitness to the Jessica Lal murder, today appeared before the high court in New Delhi in compliance with its orders summoning all 32 witnesses who had turned......
Bollywood actor Shayan Munshi on Friday pleaded before the Delhi high court not to prosecute him on charges of perjury for turning hostile in his deposition during the murder trial of ramp model......
If Wednesday was any indication, the rest of the Parliament session will see the two sides scoring brownie points against each other, and the Gandhis can expect more enemy fire directed at them,......
Mallika Sherawat claims she's lonely and wants to fall in love. So she will be seen in reality television show The Bachelorette India: Mere Khayalon Ki Mallika, where she hopes to find true......