The Delhi high court has granted bail to Hari Om Rai, the former MD of Lava International mobile company, in a money laundering case involving smartphone-maker Vivo. Justice Manoj Kumar Ohri......
2024 in Hindi cinema wasn't as much about superstardom or showboating as actors shining in astutely written roles or rising from the sidelines to leave a lasting impact. Good, bad, evil, we saw a......
Vasan Bala's ability to jolt our Bollywood conditioned brains into experiencing new forms of menace, showcasing Alia in a savage new light, wins Sukanya Verma's dil and jigra. Vasan Bala creates......
The year was rich in content as far as Web series were concerned. The general bent was towards thrillers, and many of them were slick and entertaining. Shows that ran into their next seasons, like......
When mainstream Hindi cinema is preoccupied with romance, comedy, horror and action, stories about sisters and brothers are very rare.Vasan Bala has made a first-of-its-kind film where the leads......
IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack begins by asking why the hijack lasted seven days and ends in wondering if the good guys fought the bad ones hard enough, observes Sukanya Verma. On a late afternoon of......